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Welcome to St Devenick's Playgroup

We provide a safe, stimulating and enjoyable pre-school experience for children aged between two and five years old, for Bieldside, Cults and the surrounding areas of Aberdeen.


We follow the ‘Realising the Ambition’ framework along with the ‘National Curriculum for Excellence’, offering a wide range of inspirational, age and stage appropriate experiences and resources. In side our spacious hall, we have an arts and crafts area with easels, a book corner, home corner, physical area, puzzle table, sensory tray, construction and loose parts play area not to mention dress up and musical instruments. The children enjoy free flow play and we follow their interests and needs. 


We have a wonderful 'Secret Garden' which has recently been renovated and provides great opportunities for outdoor learning, with a large sandpit and water play. Along with a second outdoor play area, immediately outside the hall which allows the children to play outside every day if they choose.


Home: Welcome

Our Story

Our Playgroup was established over fifty years ago, in 1969. We are a member of Early Years Scotland and registered with the Care Inspectorate. We are a non-profit organisation and are registered with the Scottish Chairy Regulator (OSCR), Scottish Charity Number SC016621.

The Playgroup is managed by a dedicated committee of volunteer parents and run on a day-to-day basis by our team of fantastic play leaders, who are all SSSC registered.

Our programs are designed to meet the needs of both children and families through specific goals and objectives. We focus on building off of the strengths of each child, taking advantage of every teachable moment.


Lunch Club

After Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Playgroup sessions, lunch club is available for children ready to sit and eat lunch with their friends.  Lunch club runs from 12:20-1:30pm. Children bring along a packed lunch at the start of the session and have lunch under the supervision of our playleaders. Playgroup lunch club costs £6.50 per week for ad hoc sessions or £6.00 per week if signed up for the term.

The Secret Garden

St Devenicks 'Secret Garden' provides an infinite amount of outdoor learning experiences for our children, including exploring nature in our bug hotel, getting messy in our mud kitchen, digging in our sandpit and enjoying endless water play. The garden has been updated recently by our wonderful committee and their families.


Meet Our Team

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Nichola Watson


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Janis McVean

Play Leader

Play Leader

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Sunay Tunoglu

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Jenny Boddy

Support Worker


Bruna Fraser

Relief Support Worker


Liz Smith 

Play Leader

Emma Beattie


Contact Us

St. Devenicks Church Hall, Baillieswells Rd, Bieldside, Aberdeen AB15 9AP

01224 867431

01224 867431

Charity Number SC0166215

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